-The history of present Afghanistan as a state began in 1747 when Ahmad Shah Abdali gathered all the afghan tribes and asked them to choose a leader for themselves. Ahmad Shah, a young dynamic military leader of King Nadir Shah Durrani of Persia, got the right from all the tribal leaders to rule the whole of Afghanistan. After that Afghanistan saw military and political advancement under his visionary leadership. Ahmad Shah Abdali conquered areas of the Mughal and Persian Empire. He also saved the Mughals and Shah Waliullah, a great reformer of the subcontinent, from the rising power of that time, Marathas in the Second Battle of Panipat, in 1761. But after the death of Ahmad Shah Abdali, due to the differences among tribes of Afghanistan on the basis of language, caste, tribes and leadership, they lost their dominance in the region. British also used their influence in Afghanistan and use the state as a buffer zone from the invasion from Russia. The difference between the people and tribes was the main cause of the downfall of Afghanistan in every period.

Future of AfghanistanFuture of Afghanistan

In the twentieth century, the difference between the Zahir Shah, king of Afghanistan and the  pro-democratic leader abolished the monarchy and then in the democratic government the difference between different political parties and within in the people democratic party, which is the main actor of coup d’etat, pawed way for the USSR landed in Afghanistan. USA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia together formed Mujahideen to fight USSR in Afghanistan. In 1992, Mujahedeen gave defeat to the pro-Soviet the government in Afghanistan and here starts the differences and fight between the Mujahedeen over the capital. This fight among Mujahedeen for power gave rise to the radical group Taliban under the leadership of a village Mullah named Muhammad Umer to try their luck for power and with a short time, they secured power in Afghanistan with the help of Pakistan. They also gave shelter to al Qaeda. Al-Qaeda started their activities against USA and that was the start of another terror and bloodshed chapter of Afghanistan history.


Future of Afghanistan

When Taliban refused to hand over Taliban leader Osama Bin Laden to USA, after 9/ 11 attacks, the USA along with its allied forces started airstrikes on hideouts of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in Oct 2001 and ground attack in Dec 2001. They have been fighting the Taliban since then but the Taliban is considered the winner of this war by many political and war scientists and analysts. This all has had happened to Afghanistan due to their disunity and differences. Now that a peace deal is concluded between the USA and the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, again we are seeing differences between different segments of Afghanistan. It is said that not all the Taliban are happy with the deal, similarly, there is a clear cut division in the Afghanistan government about the deal.
Future of Afghanistan
   Future of Afghanistan 

 On Feb. 29, US and Afghan Taliban concluded a peace deal in the presence of the international community in Doha Qatar. Everybody was happy and expressed their gratitude and good wish to Afghans, USA and the Taliban. But the ink of the agreement was not yet dry and the Afghan government reject the provision of the PRISONER RELEASE and Afghan Taliban attacked Afghan military forces, an airstrike was conducted against Afghan Taliban in retaliation to protect Afghan forces by the USA. The attacks continuo, 30 attacks were conducted by Taliban against Afghan government in the four days of the deal as reported by NATO Afghanistan Mission chief Jens Stoltenberg but both, US and Taliban are brazenly saying that ALL IS WELL. These attacks show that not all the fractions of Taliban and militant groups of Afghanistan are under the umbrella of the political office of the Taliban in Doha, Qatar.


Future of Afghanistan
                                                                                                                                                                         US Chief Negotiator Zalmy khalilzad landed in Kabul to diffuse the tension that swells in the last few days. Mike Pompeo, US secretary of state, stated in an interview recently that the Afghan government must see the greater picture of the peace and avoid any conflict. Mullah Baradar, leader of the Afghan Taliban, said that the Taliban is committed to the provision of the deal. US chief Mediator also signaled that the US is committed to a significant prisoner released. This shows that there is a sense of lack of confidence among every player in the Afghanistan Peace process.

Future of Afghanistan

    The Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, acknowledged this fact in parliament speech that the key players of Afghanistan are not on the same page of peace. This time it is very clear that if things went wrong, there will be a civil war and Afghanistan will be divided into many parts or the situation will replicate the civil war of Syria. The success of intraAfghan dialogue is the only way that can save Afghanistan from further destruction and war. If both the parties, the Afghan government and Taliban, agreed on a political system that can compensate both the parties, we may see an Afghanistan without war.
After political settlement, there may be still challenges for Afghanistan because the whole economy of Afghanistan is running by US aid and if the US leaves they may suspend the aid that can cause hardships for the economy of Afghanistan but at least the decades' long war in Afghanistan can come to an end and Afghan may find solutions for their economic conditions.

Future of Afghanistan

The people of Afghanistan need to work hard and compromise for the sake of peaceful Afghanistan. US need to restrain foreign elements from disturbing the peace process of Afghanistan and the Taliban needs to forces different segments of fighter to come to the negotiations table. Afghan political leaderships also need to put behind their internal differences for a while and come to the dialogue table with the Afghan Taliban and conclude a deal of power-sharing under the provision of Doha deal. This is the only way forward.

Future of Afghanistan