Election of the American president

The election of the American president in the political system of the USA is the most power full transition of government in the world. The US constitution gives a presidential form of government. The framers of the US constitution spend a lot of time in deciding the method of the election of the president. After a great deal of discussion, they proposed indirect election for the president by an electoral college, which is now embodied in section 1, 2 and 3 in article 2 of the US constitution.

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The constitution imposes three conditions for the candidate to run the president election

             The candidate must be more than 35 years
             Natural born citizen of US
            The candidate musT reside in the US for 14 years


The mode of election of US president is indirect, theoretically. The constitution provides that the president should be elected by the Electoral College consisting of as many presidential electors as the members of the both houses of the Congress.


President must not be a member of the congress, nor elected by the congress or people directly. This means that the president is elected by an electoral college consisting of the representative of the state. The people of each state elect the presidential electors ( members of the electoral college) from their state equal to the number of the representatives that state has in both houses of congress. No member of congress is allowed to become the presidential elector. The election of the electors is on the general ticket system. According to this system, each voter cast votes as many as the number of electors has to be chosen from that state. Each party prepares a list of candidates equal to the number of the elector (usually party leaders) and submits it to the general public to vote for. As a result of this method, the party that secures the majority of votes gets all the electoral votes of the state. A small majority can result in the whole electors of the state.
The president electors then meet on a specific date and caste vote for president. These votes are then sealed and sent to the capital of the USA, were the president of congress and members of both houses count the vote. The candidate, who obtains an absolute majority, is declared as president of the USA. The electors also vote for vice president and the same parallel process is adopted for vice president. 

To win a candidate must obtain 270 or more votes out of 538 to secure the office.

If no one gets this much votes, there will be a reelection in the house of Representatives for president.  House of representative elects a president from the top three vote taker candidates from the first round of the election. The members of the house of Representatives divide into states delegation and each delegation has one vote. Members of the two-third sate must be president in the session and the majority vote is 26.

In the case of vice president, members of the Senate vote for, each member votes individually for the vice president among the top two candidates. Two-third members must be present in the session and the candidate needs to get 51 or more votes to win the election.

The election must be over by the first week of January and the new president must assume office on 20th January.


The framers of the US constitution were against the direct election of the president, Because they wanted that the president should be choose by intelligent and educated people but their intentions were defeated with the emergence of the party system in the US. The election is now becoming direct in spirits.

Now the party nominates the candidates and electors and the electors are bound to vote for the party nominated candidate only. They do not have a free hand in choosing the president. Voters actually vote for the party in the shape of electors which makes the election of the president directly in practical.

The result of the presidential election is soon known to everybody when the Electoral College election result is announced. Thus, we can say that the election of the
president is indirectly in practical but indirect theoretically.

The election of elector holds on Tuesday following the first Monday of November of every leap year.


The term of the president is 4 years and can be re-elected. Any candidate can become president twice in his lifetime (after 22nd amendment to constitution).


Article 2, section 1, clause 5 of the US constitution, vice president succeed to president office till the next election years after the incumbent present death, resignation impeachment or inability to discharge its duties.


The election of the president of the USA is direct election in practical, however, the constitution gives an indirect method. The presidential election campaign starts a year and four-month before the Election Day, casting the country more than a billion dollars and is perhaps the most complicated and longest process.