The big bang theory is the answer, how the universe was formed.
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Many scientists consider Big Bang theory as the answer to the above question.
according to the Big Bang Theory, the universe started with a small singularity. of which we know very little about its formation or nature but probably others exist in the core of the black hole.

Once the singularity is formed, it began to expand with a process called Inflation. The universe went from very small, dense, and hot to cool, expand, and in the shape, which we see it today.

Interestingly, this Big Band Theory did not state about any explosion or bang as its name refers, Big Band Theory. it is the rather rapid expansion of space and time like we blow air in a ballon.

The Big bang term was first coined by Sir Fred Hoyle in 1950.

Scientists believe that at the very first minute, there were no fundamental particles like Neutron, Proton, or Electron. there were matter and anti-matter, which collide with each other and form pure energy. After the first few minutes, neutron and proton formed and with time it combines with electron form Hydrogen than helium, and wit time to time other elements are formed.

Big Bang Theory is a widely accepted theory about the origin of the universe and is supported by all the observational evidence.