Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 Outbreak and its Social and Economic Effects

Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 Outbreak and its social and Economic Effects.
Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 Outbreak and its Social and Economic Effects
The major issue that the world is facing today is the Novel Corona Virus or COVID- 19 viruses; Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 is affecting more than 111 states and territories. According to the world meter website statistic, the total confirm cases on March 9, 2020, is 111765 confirm cases while 3893 confirm death. The Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 epidemic was so quick that it does not give any government, time to prepare itself to at least curtail its spreading. The COVID-19 or Novel Corona Virus is now becoming a symbol of terror. People have stopped meeting each other in many countries especially China, Hong Kong, and South Korea which are the main grounds of the virus. The social and economic machinery of many countries has halted and we are seeing a sign of global recession shortly if the spreading of the Novel Corona Virus continuous at the same speed. The global business and economy have slowed down the global GDP growth is lower than 1 percent which is an alarm bell for the whole world.


Before we discuss the effect of the Novel Corona Virus or NOVID-19 on the world socially and economically, we will first discuss a little about this virus. The patient of Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 suffers fever headache, cold, flu and some sorts of respiratory illness. The main organ that is affected by this virus is the lungs. Its appearances and symptoms are the same as common cold that’s why it was considered as common cold when it’s for the first time appear in china. The main preys to this virus are children, old aged, and the people who are chain smokers and have a weak immune system. It is not the first time that we have seen the Corona Virus attacking humans and causing a Pandemic. It appeared for the first time in China in 2003 as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome) in Saudi Arabia in 2012.

The Corona Virus family is basically a virus founds in animals like bats camel’s cats etc but some members of this virus are Zoonotic, like SARS, MARS, and Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19, that transfer from animals to humans and cause illness in the human body. SARS was transferred from covid cats to humans in China in 2003. SARS was reported from 26 countries with around 8000 cases at that time. Similarly, MARS was reported in Saudi Arabian in 2012, which also spread to 26 countries but most cases were reported from Saudi Arabia. MARS was reported as that it was transferred from the camel dormitory to humans. The recently reported virus is also a member of the same family of Corona Virus called as COVID-19 or Novel Corona Virus, which was first reported in Wuhan province, China and Wuhan is still the center of the virus outbreak with most death and infection cases. The virus attacks the respiratory system of the human body and if the disease converted to a severe stage, it affects the lungs to the level that it stops supplying oxygen to the other organs of the body, which causes death. The current outbreak is causing concern for the global community because it has reached to the developed countries too, cases have been reported from USA UK France, Japan, and Italy (the most suffer country of Europe with more than 7000 cases). The top diplomat, generals, and key political leaders are also suffering from the viral disease.

The the main question is that, is the preventive measures are available or not. It is to be noted here that the virus is not as deadly as it is considered by people. Prevention is possible and easy. The recovery ratio of the affected people is more than 98 percent which is quite relaxing figures. The vaccination for the viral disease has not yet been discovered but the preventative` measure can save one from the attack. The covering of mouth and nose by a mask and washing hand frequently is the measure that can save one from the virus attack. Isolation of the infected person for his whole period of treat that is of around 25 days can prevent the spreading of the disease in the area.


The Novel Corona Virus or NOVID-19 outbreaks have affected the social life of the people of the countries that are under its outbreak. The gathering, meeting, travel, recreation and entertainment have become very limited. In the Wuhan provinces of china, the streets are abandon by the people for the last three months only the official who is fighting the virus is seen in the streets. Travel and tourism have almost stopped. Many countries have imposed bans on different countries in which the virus is spreading or reported. The famous tourist countries are reporting low tourism in the last two months. The holy places of different religions are closed. The Mattaf was stopped in the Holly Mosque of Mecca for three days and the Saudi government has suspended visas for the foreign pilgrim. The virus is affecting the social life to a large extent once the virus enters a country within a short time the streets went abandon.



The economic effects of the Novel Corona Virus or NOVID-19 are so high that every country is experiencing its shocks. The largest economies like China, US, and the EU are greatly affected by the outbreak, which indirectly affects the whole world economy. The international and global business is heavy affected by the virus. The international trade slows down due to the closure of borders. According to IATA, the airline alone will lose 113 billion dollars in revenue in 2020. The losses of the tourist industry have also swelled up. 40000 hotel booking has already been cancel in Indonesia. 9billion tourism revenue falls in china in just one month. The ration of foreign tourists to Hong Kong falls 90 percent.

The global pandemic of Novel Corona Virus or COVID-2019 and the slowdown of the business and the Bearish stock markets of major economies show the sign of rescission. The interest of investors in investment has slow down and they are taking out their money from the markets that are causing concerns for the policymakers. Most of the financial markets are in negative points and if the trends continue in leading economies, the small and developing economies will not absorb the shock and the situation will become uncontrollable. The rescission will father increase the pain of the world because it is already suffering from the pandemic of viruses and the cases are increasing day by day.


The global players and international organizations need to do something for the spreading of the Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 and for minimization of its social and economical effects. The great news is that the summers are coming in the northern hemisphere and the hot temperature will slow down the transmission of the virus but we need to slow down its impacts too. This issue needs to be curbed as soon as possible.

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Also, read my article on the “Future of Afghanistan”.

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